Customer Service

We can act as your customer service representatives so you can avoid having to answer customers questions yourself.

Service Details

If you need assistance figuring out how to best design or deploy your store and what solutions will work best for it, we can assist on those also. We can provide you with all of the marketing material you need, like beautiful professional banners and ad campaigns at affordable prices  This allows you to market your store as broadly as possible.

Let our team handle all the day-to-day tasks that distract you from what matters while growing your business.

You're supported by a team who can help you whenever a problem arises - 24/7 support is just an email away.

We do it all for you from design to customer service so that you can concentrate on what matters most while growing your business.

Gain a strong foundation of knowledge so that you can achieve success from day one.

Get Exactly What You Need

Choose from our virtual assistant service offerings. From on-demand virtual assistant services, to white glove concierge service, or we’ll work together to tailor a package that meets your needs.

Save time and resources while enjoying personalized seamless service through a single point of contact with drop ship in a box. We provide one team of experts who manage every aspect of starting and running your drop shipping company.

Save on space with drop ship in a box, plus you can work from anywhere at any time.

We Can Help

We provide customer service representatives on demand, 24/7. Don’t wait! Let us answer any questions or troubleshoot any issues your customers might experience when shopping in your store.

Happy Customers

“I’ve been working with Drop Ship in a Box for over a year. They have provided me with lots of valuable information and I continue to use them as my go-to experts for my drop shipping store.”

Joel Marshall

“Drop Ship in a Box is an awesome website for anyone looking to start their online store! It
comes with many great features and the best part is that it’s easy to learn. I was able to start my
store within a few days”

Jane Doe